"As a senior in high school, I was looking for a way to give back to my community and do more with my free time. I had always been interested in emergency services. So in early 2014, I decided to join the Fair Lawn Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The experiences here have been exciting yet challenging. This has allowed me to grow as an individual and participate in something bigger than myself. There is no feeling better than being able to be there for a neighbor on one of their worst days and trying to make it just a little bit better. Joining the Amubulance Corps
was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. The skills of being an EMT have benefited me not only in my personal life but my professional one as well. Being able to problem-solve and having attention to detail, have tremendously helped me in my current pursuit of completing a Master's program for Cyber Security.
Over the years, not only have I grown as an individual and an EMT, I have made lifelong friends and gained invaluable experiences. If you are even thinking about volunteering, my advice to you would be not to hesitate and just apply! You may end up loving it too. Come join me and my second family at the Fair Lawn Volunteer Ambulance Corps.